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The vendor parameter is a commonly used placeholder in SMS templates, used to dynamically insert the name of the vendor or merchant sending the SMS. When sending the SMS, this parameter will be replaced with the actual vendor or merchant name. The main purposes of using the vendor parameter are:

Key benefits

  1. Personalize SMS Content By dynamically replacing the vendor parameter, you can insert different vendor or merchant names into the SMS content according to different sending scenarios, making the SMS appear more personalized and relatable to the recipient.
  2. Improve Information Transparency In some cases, explicitly informing the recipient of the identity of the SMS sender helps improve information transparency and increase the recipient's trust.
  3. Unified SMS Template If an application needs to send similar marketing, notification, etc. SMS messages to multiple vendors or merchants, using a unified template with the vendor parameter can avoid creating separate templates for each vendor, improving development and maintenance efficiency.
  4. Personalized Marketing or Service By combining different vendor values, personalized marketing information or service content can be embedded in the SMS, providing differentiated marketing or service support for different vendors or merchants.

Using the vendor parameter improves the flexibility and scalability of SMS content, but care must be taken to ensure the accuracy and security of data when replacing the vendor parameter, avoiding the sending of erroneous or misleading information.

Vendor application and review policy

Application requirements

Vendor naming

  • The name must be clearly associated with the applicant’s company/entity name
  • Do not use the name of another company/entity or similar designations

Compliance Commitment

  • Commitment to comply with all applicable laws and regulations
  • Agree to accept the terms of service and privacy policy of this platform

Review process

Information review

  • Review whether the provided Vendor naming is compliant

Business review

  • Review whether the intended use of the application is legal and compliant

Risk assessment

  • Conduct risk assessment based on the nature and purpose of the applicant
  • High-risk applications will receive additional scrutiny

Supplementary material

  • Applicants can provide supplementary materials via
  • The platform may require applicants to provide additional supporting documents

Audit results

  • The review results are divided into pass and reject
  • If the application is rejected, the applicant needs to delete this application and resubmit a new application.

Through the above-mentioned strict review policy, this platform aims to ensure that all bound Vendors operate in compliance with regulations, maintain the security and credibility of information transmission, and create a trustworthy service environment for customers.